RDM is not allowed (Random Death Match), this means randomly killing people is not allowed.
CDM is not allowed (Car Death Match), this means you cannot kill people with your vehicle, even with a reason.
Propkill is not allowed, this means you cannot kill people with props.
Detonating a nuclear device (Davy Crockett) is not allowed unless under explicit permission from the server owner.
KOS on certain jobs is not allowed, as this breaches meta-gaming rules.
Killing because of information obtained via meta-gaming (information your character could not know) is not allowed.
Do not kill other members of law enforcement while being a member law enforcement.
Do not suicide if you arrested and/or in a RP situation
Illegal Activities
You must wait 5 minutes until doing another illegal activity (Same or different).
Government raids need a valid RP reason. (You ned to have seen the actual crime, before taking action)
You have to follow FearRP, this means you need to fear dangerous situations (you cannot attack the attacker during a mugging, Except if you already have your gun out. Before he/she adverts the Mug.)
Do not raid as a Gundealer, Drug Dealer, Citizen, Hitman, Hooker, Black Market Dealer, Doctor, Staff on Duty or any other 'Civilian' job.
Do not scam, you must give them the thing they paid for.
You are not allowed to place props whilst raiding.
You can only ask for $3000 during a mugging.
Black Market Dealers or Gundealers cannot base with anyone.
Rebels, Gangsters and the Mafia are all rivals, they hate each other.
You are not allowed to start wars with anyone
All illegal activity requires advertising, for example /advert Mug, or /advert Raid.
Do not mug as Gundealer, Drug Dealer Citizen, Hitman, Hooker, Black Market Dealer, Doctor, Staff on Duty or any other "Civilian" job.
When kidnapping someone, you may only ask for up to $10000 and you cannot leave the kidnapped person alone.
Do not rape people in public
Do not raid, if the player you're raiding has a "building" sign.
No carjacking other players when they are spawned in at a car dealer straight away.
When you advert raid you need to be at their front door not down the road or a mile away.
Other Illegal Activities
Raid - Raiding a property. You kill the people inside and steal their stuff
PD Raid - Raiding the PD (Police Department/Police Station)
Mug - Holding someone up at knife/gun point to make them give you money
Steal - You are going to steal an item, such as a shipment
ATM Hack - You hack an ATM for money.
Carjack - You're going to steal someone's vehicle.
Hit - When you complete a hit, you must do /advert Hit Complete
Terrorist Attack - Do /advert "Terrorist Attack", then you can shoot one grenade bullet whatsoever to 1 guy or 1 bunch of people. Then the terror is over. Then you must wait 10 minutes before doing it again
Law Enforcement
Before you can search someone's house, you need a search warrant
Do not farm or use Illegal items (Printers etc.) as law enforcement
Do not steal cars as law enforcement
Do not RDA (Random Arrest) you cannot arrest someone without a reason
You are only allowed to shoot wanted players if they attack you or try to run away
Do not baton rush. This means that if you are trying to arrest someone and they shoot at you, you must shoot back
You can't have fading doors in the PD.
Having a law that makes the players unable to walk on the road, is not allowed
Base Building Rules
You are not allowed to have more than four fading doors which are used as fading doors, fading doors which are not used as doors are allowed (covering printers, windows etc).
"KOS" signs and "building" signs are not allowed on the same base
Don't building as Guard, only if you are to assist the man you're guarding.
Don't build on roofs' that staff use for sits
Don't have printers or any other illegal items, while having a building sign
Don't put a fading door in front of a normal door (unless the fading door is toggled)
You acnnot have two fading door infront of each other
You are not allowed crouch bases
Do not have Loitering signs
Don't base as: Any Law Enforcement/Terrorist/Hotel Owner/Medic/Bartender/Taxi Driver/Hitman/Piano Player/ATM Hacker
Do not make one way shooters
Mafia, Bloodz, Cripz, Saints, Rebels & Thieves cannot base together. Thieves & Freerunners may base together. All named 'organisations' must stay together and base together
Other Rules
Do not place random hits. You musth ave a valid roleplay reason
Do not prop abuse, propkill, propclimb, or use prop elevators/ramps to get to other places
If you are being raided, you cannot go back to your base until the raid is over
Do not backseat administrate. You're not allowed to make someone wanted or demote for "RDM, CDM, Propkilling"
Do not abuse fading doors
Do not use disturbing/gore/porn sprays
Do not block off big areas of the map
Do not build doomforts, for example a doorway with one way shooters so you can shoot the raiders easily but they can't shoot you
Do not make tunnels where you can shoot people#s heads
Do not argue in OOC, or speak in caps. You'll get kicked!
Do not spam car horns
Do not mic spam (playing music through your microphone, screming constantly etc)
You must own all the doors in your base
Do not bend the rules, follow the spirit of the rules
The staff's word is law, however they themselves cannot break the rules
When building, have a building sign. So people can't raid you
When AFK you may place a "AFK" text screen outside your base meaning people must not raid you, you may not have printers but shipments are allowed to be kept, if seen using this sign when not AFK you will be warned
Hobos are not allowed to have guns, only Crowbar
Don't disrespect people, be nice and have fun
Giving away more than 500k in-game cash will lead to an permanent ban
Multiple Advert, is not allowed
You cannot no-collide vehicles
Medics are only allowed to have a Pistol
Do not Camera abuse (using a camera to look into blocked off bases)
As a gun dealer, you are allowed a pistol for self defense
Going AFK to farm hours is not allowed
You can only block off the Casinos, if you are a Bartender